Here’s How To Integrate Custom Web Page Design Into Your Overall Brand

custom web page design
Your custom web page design needs consistency. Your customers expect to have the same brand experience across social media channels, advertising, retail stores, and your website.

Presenting a consistent brand experience can increase your revenue by 23%. That’s why you want to make sure your custom web site matches your other marketing channels.

Read on to find out how you can create brand consistency on your website.

What is Your Brand?

The best way to describe your brand is as if it’s a promise you make to your customers. It’s not the product or service you sell. It’s the emotional result that people will get from your product or service.

That emotional result is the connection that people have with your company that creates customer loyalty for years to come. Take Nike, for example, they don’t sell footwear or activewear. They sell dreams to everyday athletes.

Brand Cohesion on Your Website

When you define what your brand is, your next step is going to make it consistent in your website design.

Color Palette

Does your brand have a color scheme? You’ll have colors in your logo, but are they consistent throughout your website?

You can ensure a consistent look by incorporating your logo colors throughout your site. Color consistency can increase your brand’s recognition by 80%.

If your print materials utilize a lot of whitespace along with your logo colors, you can achieve the same look on your web site. Keep your home page simple by having one medium sized image on your home page surrounded by whitespace. You can also add accent colors to the footer to create brand consistency.


Image consistency is a big part of the brand experience. People process images much faster than text. What that means for brand consistency is that if someone visits your website from a social media post, they’ll notice the color and images first.

If they see that it’s a different experience, they’ll think that they went to the wrong site or was redirected and click back.

For example, if you have an Instagram account, do you use the same filters on all of your images? You can use similar filters on images of your website.

That level of brand consistency will validate the user’s click to your website. They’ll see the same experience and stay on your site longer.

Customer Service

For brands who emphasize customer service, you can incorporate a customer service experience on your website.

For example, you can add a live chat option to your custom web page design. When customers visit your site, they can their questions answered immediately, creating a complete customer experience.

Custom Web Page Design Consistency

Your site’s custom web page design has to deliver consistency. Your customers expect to have the same experience no matter where they interact with your brand. Delivering consistency will result in loyal customers and more revenue.

Are you ready to incorporate a consistent brand experience on your website? Find out more about our custom site design services.