Common Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Working For You

Your website is your 24/7 salesperson and brand ambassador. It’s what turns your potential consumers into returning customers. But if your website isn’t helping you meet your sales goals, there’s a chance that something might be off with your site.

Here are some of the most common reasons why your website might be keeping you from meeting your revenue goals and what you can do to fix it.

Your website forgets some of its users

Websites today are designed with mobile-first in mind. This is important because the number of mobile search users is expected to reach 221 million in the U.S. this year. However, you can’t rely solely on your code to make your website friendly for different users.

You need to cut down on the clutter around your site and remove any unnecessary pop-ups, images, videos, and buttons that aren’t necessary. Cutting down on clutter ensures your website looks great for all users no matter their platform.

Your website is blocking its own information

Speaking of clutter, it’s important to take a look at where your website has its ‘share’ buttons on the page. It’s best to have these buttons be stationary at the top of the web page because this is where users expect these buttons to be.

When you have a ‘share’ section that pops up along the side of the web page and follows the user as they scroll, you’re blocking them from reading the information they came to your website for. Limit the number of pop-ups your website has and make sure they’re not keeping your website from doing its job.

You don’t have feature detection in your code

Some web developers will create code to respond to a wide variety of scenarios that could happen. Unfortunately, when new versions of your website’s browsers update, managing these code files can become difficult.

Instead, make sure that you’re implementing feature detection in your website’s code. You don’t want to use browser detection. Feature detection reduces the amount of code, which makes it that much easier to manage and read.

What can I do to fix my website?

One of the best ways you can improve your website is by outsourcing a custom web development company. A custom web development company can provide you with the right web design services you need to get your website up and running the right way.

That’s where Studio98 comes in. Studio98 is a custom web development company with the expertise you’re looking for. Ready to get started? Contact Studio98 about our website design services, web development services, or SEO and PPC management services today.