Being Happy in Business Starts With Looking

he importance of looking deeply to achieve happiness and long-term success in business

In an earlier article I wrote out the definition of establishment as:

To start something that will last for a long time, or to create or set something in a particular way.

It’s about creating everything needed to support ongoing success. Establishment involves defining the structure, policies, procedures, and standards necessary for a particular function to operate effectively. It’s the process of setting the groundwork that allows a business to not just exist but do great.

How Vision and Goals Relate to Establishment

One of the first things you must know when it comes to establishment is the clear understanding of what the goals and vision are for the business, department or the position you are establishing. In order to know if the things are being done right you need to know what “right” looks like. It must be clear so that you can then observe the situation to see what needs to be corrected or not.

For example, your company installs and services entertainment systems for home, such as projectors, TVs and home security systems. You have a Service Manager receiving requests from customers on things they want fixed on their AV System you installed in their house. This might be totally fine. But part of the vision is that you have the most reliable products in the industry and find out that the requests they are receiving are for jobs recently done and so you find out you have a Quality Control issue.

Next Up, Looking

Now that you know what “right” looks like, it’s time to look. Looking means seeing something for what is actually there and not what should be there. It’s an actual skill and requires one to put aside bias and preconceived ideas.

When we begin to examine a particular area of a business, it’s crucial to approach it with fresh eyes. This means setting aside what we think should be happening and instead focusing on what is actually happening. This is often more challenging than it sounds. People have a tendency to report how things are supposed to work rather than how they really do. For instance, when asked how a process is being executed, the response is often an idealized version of the process. Therefore, it’s essential to not just ask but to observe and verify that what is being said aligns with reality.

This process of looking deeply and honestly at how things are operating is the foundation of proper establishment. Without it, you’re building on shaky ground.

Don’t Fix, Look

When you start to uncover problems, the natural reaction is to want to fix them right away. However, this instinct can lead to merely addressing symptoms rather than identifying and solving the root cause of the issue. This is like a doctor treating a patient who comes in with various symptoms like back pain, headaches, and high blood pressure. A doctor might prescribe medications for each of these symptoms, but if the root cause—them eating fast food six times a day—isn’t addressed, the problems will persist or even worsen.

Similarly, in business, if you immediately jump to fix issues as they arise, you will only be putting band-aids on the situation. The deeper, underlying problems will continue to resurface in different forms. Instead, the focus should be on thoroughly understanding what is actually happening, so you can identify the root causes.

Identifying the Root Causes

Once you’ve taken the time to thoroughly look at how things are operating, the next step is to connect the dots. Through continuous observation, you can start to identify patterns or recurring issues that point to underlying root causes.

For example, you might notice that there is high employee turnover, low productivity, and frequent customer complaints. At first glance, these might seem like separate issues, but by looking deeper, you might discover that they all stem from a lack of clear procedures or inadequate training. The problem isn’t just that employees are leaving or that customers are unhappy—it’s that the establishment process was incomplete, leading to confusion, inefficiency, and frustration.

In such cases, it’s important to resist the temptation to implement quick fixes. While it might feel good to immediately address a complaint or rehire a lost employee, these actions often only mask the symptoms of a deeper problem. Instead, by taking the time to thoroughly establish the right structures, standards, and procedures, you can solve the root cause and prevent these issues from recurring.

Establishment is a Strategic Process

Establishment is not about making quick changes; it’s a strategic process that requires patience and an eye for detail. By looking deeply, identifying root causes, and then methodically addressing them through proper establishment, you can create a business that not only survives but grows and grows profitably.

The process of establishment lays the foujndation for long-term success by ensuring that every part of the business is aligned with its overall vision and goals. It’s about getting the right things done the right way, and it all starts with looking—really looking—at what’s happening in your business. Only then can you create a foundation that is strong, stable, and capable of supporting sustainable growth.

If you have any questions, or like to know more, click here to schedule a call with Kaeio